Meeting – Live Your Best Life

April 10, 2024

For our April 10 meeting, Gloria started by introducing our theme, “Live Your Best Life.” Jian, serving as the grammarian, introduced the word of the day, “serendipity.”

Vaibhav’s speech “Find Your Spark: Hobbies for Happiness“ highlighted the importance of hobbies outside work and how they contribute to personal growth. He shared that learning guitar taught him patience and perseverance and being part of toastmaster club helped him in building connections and learning from shared experience.

In the second speech titled “Symphony of Serendipity,“ Akila took us on her serendipitous journey of becoming a cat parent and shared how her cat “Momo” gives her tremendous joy. Her story emphasized on the idea of finding joy unexpectedly and being open to new experiences.

In the last speech, Abhijeet introduced AGI to the audience and shared its potential in increasing human productivity. He had an interactive session discussing software, hardware, and human cognition related roadblocks and talked about tests like Turing and Barista.

Table Topics Master Jagan led the table topic session and he encouraged new members and some guests to answer the questions related to confidence. Parag, Ramya and Sarah gave the evaluations to help our speakers reach their full potential. Our meeting ended with reports from timer, ah counter and grammarian and guest feedback.

The District 101 Annual conference was announced, coming up May 18 & 19. Details are here.

— Notes by Himakshi

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